Friday, February 29, 2008

Mark Chapter 7 - February 29, 2008

7:1-22 - The Pharisees continue to look for something to discredit Jesus and his disciples. What is their deal? I mean I know what their deal was - they didn't want their status and authority taken away from them and they didn't want to change anything about the way they lived their lives, but seriously - what is their deal? Jesus sets them straight about what really defiles a person - it doesn't have to do with the food they are eating, but the fruit that they produce. It reminds me a little of people who leave churches or complain or cause church splits because they don't like the way...somebody dresses, worships, takes communion, etc. What is their deal? Does you ability to worship God or connect to Him really come down to what other people are wearing or what type of music is involved? Are you really so unmoved by the meaning behind the bread and the juice during communion that you are busy writing a list of people who you don't think are baptized who were taking communion? I'll be the first to admit that there have been plenty of times when I was spiritually arrogant, and allowed myself to get disconnected with the Spirit of God's truth because I was too busy obsessing over the differences between the way another person's faith is lived out when compared to mine. I just think it isn't God honoring and I want it to stop.

7:36-37 - Is it not insane how many times people refused to listen to Jesus when he asked them not to talked about their miraculous healings? Basically every time Jesus specifically tells someone not to talk about his power - they run off and tell everybody they meet! It's pretty funny. What is not funny is the stark contrast that we see we understand that he has specifically told us to introduce others to the miracles he has done in our own hearts and lives - we are THE game plan to get the Word out - and we often times look like the people he told not to talk about it. Not funny, huh? Not funny at all.


James said...

Here is a Jewish Rabbi going against many of the rules and regulations that had been set up by other Jewish rabbis having a real loose interpretation of the laws of God. And this Rabbi tells the other rabbis "You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions!” (9) which immediately ticks them off.

You ever been told you are doing something wrong – what’s your usual reaction? I know mine is usual to get mad and defensive – this generally means that the other person was right.

If anything, I pray that I am not too arrogant to ignore God when He comes to tell me of a sin I am committing – I pray that I repent and turn back to Him.

Ish said...

I like the point you bring up Brandon. About being too busy keeping up with the rules to think about the awe and wonder of who God is. This is the type of stuff I grew up in. The type of stuff that my father was taught. The type of stuff that when he learned of a different way, caused others to stick to what they know, no matter the cost. I am so thankful for my father and the example he laid down for me, and for people in my life who went on to teach me about the awe and wonder and to leave the rules and regulations behind.