Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Acts Chapter 14 - April 2, 2008

14:15 - Turn from death to life. Turn from worshipping statues and worship a truly living God. Everything else is just a dull empty pursuit compare to the life that comes through the one and only God. I can't help but think of the CapitalOne Visa commercial tag line, "What's in you wallet?" (Hopefully you just read that with a Viking accent!) When you look introspectively at your life, "What do you worship?"

14:19 - Paul and Barnabus experience what it is like to truly walk in the footsteps of Jesus. The people of Lystra go from wanting to sacrifice bulls to Paul and Barnabus, thinking they are Zeus and Hermes, to being influenced by the unbelieving Jews to stone Paul and drag him outside the city. Sounds pretty similar to Jesus being worshipped as the conquering king during the triumphal entry and subsequently being crucified for "theoretically" not living up to his billing. Sometimes people want what they want so badly that they will not even accept the truth when it is right in their face.

14:22 - Living as disciples of Christ we are going to go through some tough stuff as we bring the Kingdom of Heaven into contact with the Kingdom of this world. I always appreciate that the bible never candy-coats faith...this isn't easy...nobody ever said it was going to be...what they said was that it would be worth it, and it is.


Anonymous said...

Verse 16-17 I find this real interesting. God lets us go our own way, but where every we go He will always have a testimony to us of His unfailing love.

Ish said...

When Paul says that the nations can do their own thing, yet God still provides rain and crops in season. God is faithful not only to us who waver, but to those who don't care for faith! I know that God loves everyone, but you don't really think about it. He truly does love EVERYONE! It is because of this that I refuse to let the gospel suffer because of my shortcomings. When that day comes, I want to say that I did EVERYTHING I could...