Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Acts Chapter 24 - April 16, 2008

24:2 - Tertullus decides to use the oldest trick in the book to win the court case...flattery. He pours on the buttery compliments, saying that they have so greatly enjoyed the peace under Felix's rule. The reality of the situation was, that Felix had brutally beat down multiple Jewish uprising in Jerusalem during his time in office. The Jews were so desperate to see Paul killed, that they were willing to swallow their pride and compliment the man who had humiliated their every attempt at independence.

24:10 - Again Paul shows us how important it is to know what you believe and know where you stand. He is able to look back at his life in all good conscience and know that he has done nothing wrong int he eyes of God or man. He defends every point perfectly and proves his innocence. Felix should have released him on the spot, but he did not want to stir up any more trouble with the Jews and decide to hold Paul instead. I hope that we are all taking the time for introspection. I hope that we live with such introspection in our own lives that we can be confident that our beliefs and actions match up with the Way of Jesus.

24:25 - I find it interesting that after Paul has righteousness, self-control and judgement...Felix becomes alarmed. What is he scared of? Look at what he has to lose - extreme wealth, power, influence, freedom to self-serve, etc. From a worldly standpoint he has a lot to lose, and the Way that Paul is introducing him to is a Way of humility, sacrifice and serving others. It seems that Felix counted the cost of discipleship and he decided it cost too much. Instead of acting on the truth that he is introduced to...he chooses to ignore the situation. He keeps Paul in jail and continues to meet with him regularly (Although that is only in hopes of getting a bribe from Paul). Here is the question for it better to hear the truth and reject it, or to say that you are a follower of the Way and ignore it completely? Because it is just as easy to ignore the truth from a pew as it is from a Roman throne. Who do you look more like - Paul or Felix?

1 comment:

Ish said...

It's funny to me that it says Felix continued to summon Paul frequently in hopes that he would offer him a bribe. Two things arise: what would he do with the bribe? Is he looking for a cheap way to win? To receive a bribe from Paul so he can expose him and claim victory? Or is it the latter, and he was hoping for a bribe, because he knew he was on his way out, and wanted to take it? How many times have I been like this man? Putting myself in a situation hoping to claim victory because of someone's flaws rather than because I did something about it. Or how many times have we put ourselves in a situation, knowing it could lead to something bad, but hoping it happens. It seems like putting ourselves in the situation makes it easier to sin rather than just doing it. Father, help me to truly examine myself and the situations I put myself in, and to eliminate those Felix-type scenarios.