Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Acts Chapter 18 - April 8, 2008

18:2 - Why did Claudius expel the Jews from Rome? Because riots had been breaking out between Christians and Jews and he was tired of dealing with it. The Jews were violently opposing the followers of Christ and Claudius just kinda swept the whole thing under the rug - out of sight, out of mind. The audacity of Christianity when lived out truly seems always to rub people the wrong way - claims like "there is only one way" and "no one can save themselves" do not sit well with people deeply ingrained in a worldly ethos. But truth is truth and as followers of Christ we cannot live a lie just so that people will be comfortable with our beliefs.

18:17 - I wonder why the Jews grabbed the synagogue leader (Also a Jew) and beat him after the court ruling didn't go their way? I remember as a very jerky young boy, hitting my sisters hard on the arm when I failed miserably while playing a video game - just because I wanted to take my frustrations out on somebody...they were there, so it had to be their fault that Mario fell into the crevice and died! Maybe the Jews were so frustrated that they took their anger out on the synagogue leader...I mean, he hadn't been able to out-argue Paul, so it must be his fault, right? Hopefully you and I will refuse to give in to the urges of the sinful self to take our frustrations out on other people.

18:18 - Usually cutting hair for a vow would come about at the end of the vow. So because Paul cuts his hair after leaving Corinth, it may be safe to assume that his vow had something to do with his ministry there. Most likely he vowed to do ministry in the corrupt and dangerous city of Corinth, come-what-may...and God protected him. Many times the Jews after shaving their hair for a vow, would take the hair to the temple and give it as an offering to God. I love Paul's example of stepping out in faith...how often do we vow to do incredible things for God and follow through? When is the last time you said, I want to do this hard thing for you Lord and the only way it is going to be possible is through your strength and protection? I hope it was recently. I hope that I will be a man throughout my life who vows to live boldly for God and is willing to sacrifice for Him.

18:25 - Even people new to Christianity and fairly immature in their walk, can step out in faith and live out the truth they understand. If you are waiting to do great things for God until you are ready...until your knowledge is great enough...until you are mature enough...you will always wait. The Christian faith is a process of always growing towards Jesus Christ...always taking that next step, and no matter where you are in your walk you can love God and love people and live that out.


Anonymous said...

I guess verse 6 is telling us that if you are met with persistent stubborness by someone when they are told about Jesus, it is time to place your efforts somewhere else. Paul did that and went next door and found people earger to hear the gospel.

As much stuff as Paul would go through in verse 23 you see that he never looses sight of how important it is to encourage and strenghten christians, new and mature.

Ish said...

Seeing a commitment through. I recently had the experience of something like this. I made a commitment to a friend of mine to keep him accountable in purity to the day of his marriage. Now, I know the temptation doesn't stop there, but to achieve the vow/goal we had laid out from the beginning and reaching the specific timeline was truly something special that I was glad to have experienced. Thank you Father for giving me the strength to see this through.