Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Acts Chapter 19 - April 9, 2008

It's my mom's birthday - happy birthday mom!

19:2 - They believed in God, and they believed in the baptism of John, meaning they also believed the time of the Messiah was at hand, but even with their belief, because they did not know about the Holy Spirit, they had not yet been given the Holy Spirit. I wonder if the Christian Church as a whole is so obsessed sometimes with being "non-charismatic" that we don't fully teach the theology of the Holy Spirit and hamstring our people when it comes to the power of the Spirit? Our people are saved by their belief in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the son of God and baptized into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but maybe they are lacking in some of the power they can tap into because they don't know what to expect. They don't know that the power of Jesus Christ resides within us - a counselor, helper, friend, that we can rely on for strength to overcome obstacles and live boldly for God. I just think the Spirit part of the God gets the attention He is due.

19:10 - This ties back into Acts 16:6, where the Holy Spirit blocks Paul from going into Asia, because he sets in in Ephesus and helps to spread the gospel through all of Asia as people come in to town and take the truth out with them. Because the Holy Spirit stopped Paul, these people were given a chance to step out in faith and do powerful ministry themselves. Pretty cool, huh? What has God given you His Spirit and His word to accomplish?

19:15 - This reminds me of the demons in the gospel who understand that Jesus is the Son of God. The demons could understand something the Pharisees couldn't see. The demon recognizes the name of Jesus and the name of Paul, but it beats the Jewish exorcists down who call on the name of Jesus, because it doesn't recognize their power. Even demons understand what true power is. True power is found in God - period. The exorcists were trying to impress the demon by using popular names and powerful words...but it isn't the names and words that bring the power it is the belief in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which they didn't have.

19:25-26 - Sadly enough there are many times that the Christian population in America makes no negative impact on the idol worship going on in the US. Many times we buy in to ungodly movies, music, celebrities, clothing, etc. I don't see any movie companies or record labels standing up and railing against Christians because they are losing money due to our stand against supporting anti-God products...maybe that's because we often drink it in like everybody else. Would you say you support idol worship in America? What do your actions say?


Anonymous said...

I wonder how many people John baptized? Did all of them learn of Jesus and get re-baptized? I realy don't think it is a major concern. You know in John 5 Jesus says in verse 29 that "those who have done good will rise and live." Anyone who was stirred on the inside to the point of repentence is someone who wants to do good.

I like your thoughts on the idol's. Take the movie industry. If every christian everywhere decided not to see movies that don't glorify God, what would the result be? I think one of two things. Either the movie industry would fall, or we find out there are very few christians.

Mandy said...

No...that's not what I was wasn't about salvation, it was about their knowledge of the Spirit. I am wondering if we don't experience the Spirit in the same way they used to because in our brotherhood we shy away from the Spirit so much, many f us don't know what to expect or doubt the results. Just wondering.

James said...

I completely agree with the idol worship – after all – I did it. Then one fine day, God’s Spirit caused me to realize that anything I put in front of Him, anything I am more devoted to – even my lovely wife – becomes an idol.

Back in the 80’s, it was music and movies. In the 90’s music, movies, computer games, and the internet by 96.

Music and movies have changed in my life, I rarely play PC games, and I try to use the net for information research on Christ including His Word. Not always successful in all of the above, but at least I recognize that it is something I must be aware of in order to not fall back in the idol trap again.


Ish said...

It is so easy to fall into idol worship. Sometimes it happens, and we never even realize it. God, I ask that you empower me to always be aware of when I fall into idol worship, and that I stray away from it.