Monday, January 7, 2008

Bible study start date...

We will kick off the bible blog study by reading Matthew chapter 1 on Monday, January 14th. Simply read the chapter and write a few comments about how God spoke to you, what you found interesting, what somebody else had to say (Be nice), etc. I look forward to studying through the bible with you guys - thanks for being willing to blog with me.

Peace be with you - Brando


Sheldon said...

there you happy

Mandy said...

Hi Brandon! I like your blog. The parchment is nice...

Brand al Thor said...

why thank you Mandy

Anonymous said...

Hey Brandon. I like your blog. And your picture is looking at me! It's scary!

I think that Joseph was very brave to trust the angel. But i'm sure that he knew it was the right thing. I hope that I can learn to trust God in my own life. Especially my grades in school. =/


Anonymous said...

You got kinda crazy with that 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 lol.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly the question. What can I do in my life that makes a difference? How can I prepared other people for Jesus's coming. I'm 15 years old. What could I do? I try to show with my actions. I don't cuss or anything. I just don't know how little young me could possibly do anything?.

Brand al Thor said...

Jaimee, you can respond in the most recent comment boxes!

Brand al Thor said...

Jaimee you can do a ton to make a difference in this world. One of the biggest needs in the world is people who can reach teenagers with the message of Jesus, and who better to do that than other teenagers! Living out the message of Jesus Christ is a great place to start...praying for the students at your school...talking about your faith...these are all things that you can do that would probably be more effective than anything an old man like me can do.