Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Matthew Chapter 7 - January 22, 2008

No matter how many times I have read that I must first focus on the log in my own eye before I point out the speck in another person's eye, I struggle with this. I love to trivialize my own sin in the light of other's "much more serious sin"...I need to quit looking for excuses to ignore my sinfulness and go to war with it. Instead of delighting in the sin of others "which far outweighs my own (sarcasm hopefully noted)," I can hopefully weep for the brokenness of man and pray that we will accept the redemption of Christ and chase after his path.

*Aside - I have always found it strange that the pearls before swine line directly follows the bit about judging others. Now that I have been in ministry for 7 years and have had to confront sin issues in people's lives from time to time...I think this may be the perfect place to put this verse. Sometimes you need to realize that there are people that do not want to hear what you say, no matter how godly your motivation. You can come to someone out of love and accountability and be met with defiance and venom, and it can be devastating to the heart. I think Jesus may be telling us to be judicious with the people we put ourselves out on a spiritual and emotional limb to confront.

Matthew 7:14 - Jesus doesn't bat around the bush. Never buy in the the false-teaching that says that following Jesus will make your life easier. It will make life better, but not easier if that makes sense. His path is hard. His path is narrow. Few truly choose to walk in his footsteps. God please let me be one of the few that chooses to honestly chase after the path of Jesus.

Matthew 7:16-17 - Sometimes I look around online at different Christian blogs and websites and I see a lot of hatred...when somebody has some theological differences with them, they call the people false teachers, false prophets, or some other derogatory term. Are there false teachers out there - yes? But Jesus tells us that we will know where people stand according to their fruits. Constant hatred, degrading talk and hyper-egomania don't seem like fruits of the spirit to me. Before we make snap judgments about people, we need to look at their fruits...we need to look at which path they are walking with their lives.

Matthew 7:26 - For three chapters we have read some of the most challenging, life-altering instructions that have ever been uttered on the face of the earth. And Jesus closes out by telling us that if we hear these words and do not make them a reality in our own lives we are building on a foundation that will collapse from under us. Throughout the sermon on the mount, Jesus has told us to live like this world is not our home...it is not about who we impress on earth, it is about living for God; it is not about the things we acquire on earth, it is about heavenly treasure; etc...living for anything in this world we only let us down in the long run. May I chase after the things of God and flee from the things of men.


James said...

This millennium’s challenge: don’t harshly criticize (judge) others. Yea, well… Still working on this one – approximately every time I open my mouth. Jesus tells us the way – just don’t do it.

I have always struggled with the pearls to pigs verse – really like your synopsis Brando.

Liked the way the Message summed up verses 13-29, calling it Being and Doing. In the passage, Jesus calls false preachers “diseased trees” who “are going to be chopped down and burned.” Gives new meaning to good and bad fruit.

Jesus goes on to say “These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on.” (vs24)

What do I want out of life? - Being who God called me to be – doing what He asks me to do.

Brand al Thor said...

Thanks for the props on the pearls before swine, but I can't really take credit. It was one of those, "Jesus just smacked me upside of the head and said, "DUH! There's a reason I said that there" moments. God rocks.

James said...

Wish we all had some more Duh moments.
Peace - j

Ish said...

It's fun when people quote the beginning of Matthew 7 to get other people to stop judging them. It's even better when some people think they have it right by realizing they shouldn't judge and become hypocrites. Jesus, as he does throughout all his life on earth, raises the bar and sets the standard. Don't judge and risk being a hypocrite. Deal with the plan in your eye first, then come back and help others. He doesn't just say to not do it. He challenges us to deal with our issues, and come back and help others. Be careful who you put yourself in that situation though. As Brando said, sometimes you will be met with hostility and venom.