Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Matthew Chapter 2B - January 15th

Other interesting stuff...
- Who were these wise men? They could have been Jewish scholars that had stayed in Babylon and knew the prophecies. They could have been Persian astrologers that studied ancient manuscripts from around the world and equated signs in the heavens to their knowledge of Jewish scriptures. They could have been told by God to go to Jesus. It doesn't matter! What matters is that they answered the call and went to worship the son of God. They spent two years and unbelievable amounts of resources to get to Jesus. Am I willing to worship him at any cost?
- Why did Herod want to kill Jesus? Why do people do any of the stupid things that we do? Selfishness. He was a prideful egomaniac that didn't want to lose his power. He feared that the promised Messiah would unite the people against him and he wanted to snuff him out no matter what the cost (The lives of all the children 2 and under in Bethlehem). Are there areas of my life that I shut Jesus out of because I just want things to stay the same...area where I just want to keep serving myself?

As you read through the chapters each day, look for how God is speaking to you. The bible is full of infinitely challenging, in-your-face scriptures...ask God to change you as you read. Leave your own personal comments in the "comment" section and read Matthew chapter 3 tomorrow.

1 comment:

James said...

Interesting that God uses angels in dreams to speak to Joseph – 4 times – the wise men as well and not a direct angelic appearance.

God does not always use the direct approach – He may use other people, events, or just a gentle whisper (a still, small voice in the KJV). I need to do more listening…
