Wednesday, July 16, 2008

2 Corinthians Chapter 13 - July 16, 2008

13:4 - Jesus chose to make himself weak and allow his creation to crucify him, so that he could live and rely on the power of God. We do not choose weakness...we are weak and we are broken, and if we want to live out the lives that God has called us to live, our only option is plugging into His power. We are weak, but we can be strong through God. Don't let your weakness destroy your ministry...let your weakness push you into the power of God, so you can do true ministry.

13:5 - This is something that many of us do not do...take the time to test yourself. We are really good at judging others and comparing ourselves to them, but we should truly block all of those comparisons out and look at our individual lives. Are we living as men and women of faith?
That is the question. When you look at your own life (block out the business and distraction and comparison and really look) - does your faith make a difference? Are your actions and thoughts dictated by the faith you profess in Jesus Christ. It is scary, but healthy, to truly examine yourself. What are you waiting for...go do it.

13:9 - "For we are glad when we are weak and you are strong." Did he just say glad? Because in the same situation, the only thing I could honestly say is this, "For I am jealous when I am weak and you are strong." I have a really hard time rejoicing the the victories and strengths of other people's faith, when it comes in an area where I am weak. And that is dead wrong. If I have my priorities straight and get my sense of worth from my awesome father in heaven...I should be able to rejoice in the giftedness and success of others - even when they are gifted and successful in areas of faith and ministry where I am lacking. God let me be a cheerleader for my brothers and sisters in Christ - rejoicing in their strengths and victories.

1 comment:

James said...

vs 10 - ...the authority the Lord gave me for building you up, not for tearing you down.

how many times do people in authority tear others down. we are reminded that all authority comes from God - and He gave it to us so that we might build one another up - not just say bad stuff about others.

when any one of us is put in a position of power, there is always the choice - use it for the benefit of others or for our own selfish purposes.

i pray we all make the good choice.
