Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ephesians Chapter 2 - July 31, 2008

* I was planning on doing chapters 2 and 3 today, but chapter 2 is so rich and intense I don't want to do that. If I am feeling super holy...maybe I will throw down chapter 3 tonight when I get home.

2:1ff - The picture of who we were - who we are without Christ: zombies walking spiritually dead through this world - wandering lost - controlled by the flesh...slaves to our nature - children of wrath...born out of anger. Uhh...that is not a pretty picture. (Shiver) I scared myself a little there!

2:5 - Even when we were living the life described above...when we were living opposite of God...rebels at war with the image of God stamped on and in every one of us - God loved us so much that He gave His one and only son as a sacrifice, so that we could be woken from the dead sleep walking existence of the sinful life.

2:7 - Why would God do this for us? Because He loves us. Because He created us and He knows what we were made to do (See verse 10 - that is what we were made for). So that He can continue to show His immeasurable love to us and to the world through our living reflect of His love.

2:14 - Jesus is our peace. Is that true for you? Is Jesus your peace? Is he the one and only well that you run to, to quench your spiritual thirst? Do you turn to Christ to be refreshed? Do you lay your worries at his feet and put on the mantle of peace that her offers? I find myself frequently looking for peace...looking for something to take my mind off of "serious" stuff...looking to sit in front of a computer or a TV and veg - just let my mind go. I am on this eternal quest for peace and I know right where to find it...peace is always there. Why don't I take it?

2:15ff - Jesus came to earth as both God and man. Both Spirit and Flesh. In stepped into the middle of a war that is raging between flesh and spirit. He broke down the barrier that our rebellious sin had placed between ourselves and God, and restored the peace that had been destroyed. He stepped in and reconnected us to the God we were made to be unified with...restoring our source of light and life. Jesus brought peace between two entities locked in the deadliest war that has ever existed.


James said...

It's SuperHoly Man!
And his sidekick - Spiritual Boy! (pick one of the interns)

Eph is such a great book - lots of lessons here.

You know - if you miss a chapter - it is ok - you shouldn't have to feel like we have to cover 2 the next day. Maybe God would rather us read one and think about it for the day...just a thought...


Brand al Thor said...

I just want to "encourage" myself to do it every day, and sometimes I need a little kick in the pants.

Jdye said...

i love ch. 14 and 15
sometimes its hard to kno theres you have peace and comfort in someone you cant see and hear..
but if you pray to God to reveal his peace to you, you'll be overwhelmed by the most powerful fealing of peace on earth..the type that you know could only come from God.

be eazzy

Jdye said...

i love ch.14 and 15
sometimes its hard to know that you can find peace and comfort in someone or something you cant see..
but if you pray to the Lord to reveal his peace to you, you'll experience and feel a type of peace and solitude that you know could only be straight from God!

be eazzy

Anonymous said...

I guess it is always a helpful thing to be reminded of where we were before Christ. We must also remember that this is where those outside of Christ are. The one thing that really struck me was the reference to being an object or child of wrath. It sounds like a dirty and disgusting place, to be saturated with anger. It will lead you down paths you don't want to go. Praise God for grace which leads to peace.

I thought the rest of the chapter was pretty good also.

Brand al Thor said...

Jared - nice to see you on here bro! Thanks for the comments.

Peace, B

Ish said...

Best reminder here for me is in verse 8-9. I am saved by grace through faith. Not for me to boast. All of my life, it's what I've had to cling to: my PK status (preacher's kid). I grew up not making all the bad decisions (I waited till marriage, didn't drink till I turned 21, never done drugs), and it's real easy for me to cling on to that to make myself feel better, or really more superior to others. Father, I'm thankful that my stance with you is not based on how good I am, cause You know that even in my situation, I still have my dirt and struggles and feel unworthy. Thank you for your grace, and continue to build me and use me for your glory...