Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ephesians Chapter 1 - July 29, 2008

1:7ff - Jesus offers us redemption: meaning he paid the price for our sins through his blood...meaning we get a second chance at new life. He offers us forgiveness: meaning God does not hold grudges...the slate has been wiped clean. We struggle through life wondering what the will of God is, but we don't have to struggle because we know what God's will is through His love and sacrifice. His will is being worked out for all creation...His will is that all of creation will be reunited - that things will be right again, and that will is being worked out through the salvation offered by Jesus Christ. His will for your life is that you accept the gift of salvation fully and that you live to bring more heaven to earth than hell...you live to bring more unity than chaos.

1:13ff - One of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit living within us is a constant reminder of the future inheritance we have been offered through Jesus Christ.

1:23 - The church is the body of Christ - the fullness of him in this world. What picture are we painting? If I am the body of Christ - what am I making him do?


James said...

Sometimes just reading it another way helps you understand the big picture

Msg 4-6 - “Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love.

Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!)

He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.”

God has always had us in mind – always wanted to have a relationship with us – always wanted us to come to Him through the His Son. This is not some lame half-baked plan – this was thought of before time began. You and I were thought of before God created the world.

I can see why so many have a difficult time understanding the love of God. In many ways, the world we live in does not help. But these verses – they show that we have been a part of the plan all along – now that is love – we don’t have to understand it, just accept it.


Anonymous said...

I think if anyone ever has a doubt of God's will or why they were created they should refer to Ephesians one.

Why was I created?
I was created to be loved.
Vs 3. Blesses us with every spiritual blessing.
Vs 4. God Chose us before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless
Vs 5. Even though we are not perfectly holy and blameless He still adobts us to be sons through Christ.
Vs 6. Freely gives grace
Vs 7. Forgiveness - no guilt
Vs 8. Wisdom and understanding
Vs 9. We are an insider to the mystery.
Vs10. We are part of the end plan.
And how do we know this?
Vs 13-14. We are marked with the Holy Spirit.

To many times I have lived my life in a way that contradicts what God created it for. I'm tired of that. It is like using a screw driver to drive a nail. Using a tool for the wrong purpose. No More!

I like the way Paul prays for the Ephesians. As a community we should thank God for one another. We should pray for wisdom and revelation for the purpose of knowing God better. Pary that our eyes are opened and our heart enlightened to see the hope for which we were called, and the reality of our inheritance.

The power that raised Christ from the dead is in every believer. What are we waiting on?

Ish said...

Father, thank you for who you are. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for using me and allowing me to get a glimpse of some of the awesome things you are doing through me. i ask that you continually keep me humble; that I may have a thorn in my flesh that causes me to be dependent on you. I love you!