Monday, July 7, 2008

2 Corinthians Chapter 6 - July 7, 2008

6:1-2 - "Do not receive the grace of God in vain." How often has that marked my life? How often have I taken the grace of God for granted? How is it possible to be unaffected by the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ...content to live for myself and only is that possible? The time for salvation is is always at hand. The time for taking on the life that grace and salvation brings with it is now!

6:14 - "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers." This is not a call to completely cut off any friendships you have with any nonbelievers in your life (That wouldn't be very good for the great commission now would it?)...this is a call to refuse to be UNEQUALLY yoked. If you are hanging around someone who is stronger in their unbelief than you are in your faith, they will be able to lead you down a path away from God. You make sure that in the friendships and relationships you have that you are leading them towards Jesus Christ as opposed to them leading you away from Him. If you are in a toxic relationship which constantly drags you away from God...that is when you get out.


James said...

I found this interesting in vs 17-18 (Msg) - So leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good," says God. "Don't link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for myself. I'll be a Father to you; you'll be sons and daughters to me." The Word of the Master, God.

Don’t link up with those who pollute you – and yet we are told to witness to the lost – how can you do that without having some sort of link? Look at Jesus – he certainly did not avoid sinners – he usually went out of his way to make sure that he encountered them. I guess that there is a fine line between bringing the word to the lost and linking up with them – the among them but not of them principle.

After all – we were all one of “them” before our faith in the Son made “us”.

Explanation – no, it would take too long – let me sum up – go to everyone you can, take the love of Christ, and if they choose to depart, let them go.


Ish said...

I once heard a speaker give an invitation. Afterwards, when no one had come up, he simply said, "remember that Jesus doesn't beg." That struck me because it is so true! Jesus will lay out the path completely! He did everything for us so that the only thing we had to do was believe. But if we're not even willing to do that, Jesus will allow us to go our seperate way that we desire...