Friday, July 4, 2008

2 Corinthians Chapter 5 - July 4, 2008

5:15 - I know there is a lot of good stuff before this in chapter 5, but some of it is a continuation of the idea that this world is not our home from chapter 4. Verse 15 is the ultimate cold water thrown in the face wake up call for the lazy apathetic Christian. He died for all so that those of us who still have life in our bodies would live for somebody other than ourselves...we live for Him. There's a great church mission statement right there. He died for me so I could live for Him - so go do it!  Sometimes it seems like we don't get that the whole being Christian thing doesn't completely revolve around our likes and dislikes and comfort...maybe we need to ignore what we think Christianity is and find out from the pages of the bible what it really is. Rant concluded.

5:18ff - Reconcile means to make right. So God has made things right between ourselves and it is our duty as ambassadors who represent His name to make things right in this world. We are His partners in a quest to make the hellishness of earth more heavenly. Which side are my actions and attitudes and choices lending power to? There is a huge responsibility that comes along with representing someone...I hope that I always live with that in the back of my mind.

1 comment:

Ish said...

This is a really good gut check for us as we continue to live our daily lives. We spoke in our small group Bible study yesterday about how following God before Jesus' time was about compartmentalizing your faith - boxing it up and making sure you stuck to it when it was time. That you made the sacrifice on the right day, that you did the right things at the right time. This passage in 1 Corinthians is throwing that idea out the window. It's no longer about how faithful we are to our boxed up faith, taking it out and displaying it the right number of times throughout the week. We are called to live it our always. Our calling to Christ is an unselfish one that asks for our commitment 24/7...