Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ephesians Chapter 5 - August 5, 2008

5:5 - We can sacrifice our inheritance by refusing to leave behind immorality and idolatry. Ish was telling us the other day, that when he became an American citizen he had to break all allegiance to Mexico...if we are really going to become citizens of heaven - sons and daughters of God, we must be willing to leave our corruption behind.

5:7-8 - From time to time you see "Christians," (more aptly named "church attenders") who have heard the truth and have theoretically experienced the love and forgiveness of God, yet they refuse to even attempt to walk in the light. We are told specifically to disassociate ourselves with these people. This sounds harsh and ungracious, but they have made their choice and their continued rebellion against God will only serve to bring bitterness and temptation into your own walk.

5:22ff - This is really more about mutual submission than anything. Yes, wives should submit to their husbands...but husbands are supposed to be loving their wives as Christ loved the church. How did Christ love the church? Through servant leadership...he, like a slave, washed the feet of people he created...he left great power and perfection to meet us on our turf...he gave his life in our place. That is the kind of leader that anybody wants to follow. This isn't a passage about how men should dominate the house...this is a passage about how men should set the tone for their houses by making themselves nothing and making the lives of the members of their families better. Mutual submission. The secret to a godly marriage is both spouses putting the other ahead of themselves.

5:33 - There is no place for selfishness in marriage. Imagine the arguments and squabbles that would disappear into thin air if husbands and wives consistently put the other person's needs above their own.


James said...

Empty words / religious sales talk - two phrases used in versions of verse 6 to describe people who try to deceive. And how many people do we hear say that they feel empty inside. How many fall for the religious smooth talk of the day. Pray for strength to know the truth of Jesus - and stick to it.

Really like how the Msg puts this - 28 Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church.

We should take that and apply it for everyone – go all out in your love for everyone, exactly as Christ did for the church.


Ish said...

Man, I am really called out on the idea of coarse talk. Sometimes, when I'm in "comfortable" environments, I choose to make comments or jokes that I know aren't right but I do it in a situation where I know people won't judge me and it won't cause them to stumble (at least I don't think it will.) Father, continue to challenge me and build me. Convict me of the times that I speak foolishly and in ways that don't honor you. Help me to daily love and pursue my wife as you have pursued me...