Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Luke Chapter 8 - August 20, 2008

8:12ff - Destroyers of faith: 1.) Lies straight from the pit of hell - the devil's deception. What are some examples of Satan's lies tat lead us away from God? 2.) Never growing - hearing the word and believing for a while, but never seeking to know God more or grow in maturity. What would be some examples of this? 3.) Getting distracted by worldly junk - allowing the temporary to take precedence over the eternal. Examples?

8:15 - The road to a strong faith an spiritual maturity starts with hearing the word of God and actually letting it shape your life. It goes along with what Jesus said in chapter 7, "How can you say, Lord, Lord, and not do what I say?" How is it possible to have a strong faith when you refuse to live out the word of God?

8:21 - They may have been trying to use their relational position to get better treatment, but Jesus wants it understood that all those who hear God's word and live it out are his family, and the spiritual bond is thicker than the genetic bond.

8:31 - The abyss - total separation from God - is no joke! The abyss is not some crazy fun-filled club where you get to hang out with all the cool bad people from the history of the earth, like something from Guitar Hero or Little Nicky. It is so scary and vile and horrible that demons would rather be sent to live in pigs - then sent back to the abyss. Abyss probably not a place we want to end up!

8:39 - Jesus immediately sends new converts out to speak about how God has moved in their lives. It doesn't require special doesn't require years of intense is simply a matter of sharing the love of God that they have seen at that point in their lives. Maturity and faith grow with time, but it is always time for us to share the story of how God has worked in our lives.  


mheat said...

i think one of the lies that the devil thought up is evolution. if you look at it carefully it is exactly opposite of what the Bible teaches.

The Bible says God created man
evolution says man created God
The Bible says Earth before the sun and stars
Evolution says stars before the Earth
Bible says Man brought death
evolution says death brought man

Brand al Thor said...

Nice Matt - nice.