Saturday, March 15, 2008

Acts Chapter 6 - March 21, 2008

* I am unable to access the Internet. Read the chapter and comment please.


Anonymous said...

I never really paid much attention to the underlying cause for the reason of the creation of the seven. The Hebraic Jews were trying to discriminate (cause division) with the Christian Jews by not including the Christian widows in the handing out of food that was commanded by Law to do.

So the Christian get seven guys toghether to help make sure these things happen. What man meant to hurt and cause divison God used to "spread the word of God,increase the number of disciples rapidly, and convert a large number of priests to the faith". Seems to follow a theme that occurs throughout the bible. Keep faith in God and he will honor you. Can't wait until the next chapter.

Ish said...

I'm not gonna lie. The thing I notice about the choosing of the seven is the idea of delagation. The apostles knew they couldn't be in charge of everything, yet this was still a very important matter. As the body of Christ, it is unfair for us to hold such high expectations of each other. We need to work together, set out pride aside, and realize that we weren't meant to do this alone.