Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mark Chapter 15 - March 12, 2008

15:7 - Mark says that Barabbas was in prison for murder he had committed during an insurrection. Maybe the people called for him to be released because they wanted a man of action...they wanted the man who was willing to kill for his beliefs and kill to overthrow the Romans. What they didn't understand was that Jesus was also a man of action...a man who was God, who came to overthrow sin and death by giving his life instead of taking another's.

15:43ff - In verse 43 the ESV describes Joseph of Arimathea as a man who was looking for the kingdom of God. I think he found it. He has the courage to go to Caesar despite the hatred that his countrymen have for Jesus and ask to take care of his body. The kingdom of God is about having the courage to stand for God no matter what the opposition. He personally took Jesus off the cross, a certainly gruesome job - prying the nails out and wrapping up his blood drenching, scourge whipped body up in a linen clothe. The kingdom of God is about people willing to get their hands dirty for God. He used his own resources to buy a tomb to give Jesus a respectable burial place. The kingdom of God is about people willing to sacrifice their time and effort and materials to serve God. I hope in the death and resurrection of Jesus - Joseph found the kingdom he was looking seems like he did.


James said...

Mark names a lot of witnesses for Jesus’ death. I have always thought of the importance of eyewitnesses. Mark was inspired by the Spirit to record the names of the ones who saw it happen – those who were there.

These eyewitnesses will become all the more important in the next chapter as they will testify to Jesus’ resurrection as well. Which becomes important to us, because without them, how would we know?

Ish said...

I love the story of Joseph here. A man looking for something greater. Can we seek Christ with all that we are similar to Joseph? Father, I want you! I want to continue to grow in you and become the man you want me to be!