Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hebrews 1 - June 11, 2008

Wanted to put something out here - thought we would skip 2 Cor. for now and start reading Hebrews - great book.

I will have something out there later. So in the meantime - got thoughts? - Post 'em.


Ok - so a little later turned out to be a day later...

The thing I find most interesting about chp 1 - the writer does some major referencing back to OT scriptures - caused me to open another Explorer so I could flip back and forth between the passages.

God gave some great insight to the writer of Hebrews as to how the Father views the Son. If you ever had any doubt about Jesus, the Son, being God - check out vs 8 - But about the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.

The Father point blank calls the Son God. There are those who say the Son was created or is the highest angel - but here it is - Jesus is God.

Read all the ties-ins - really cool stuff.


Sheldon said...

The writer of Hebrews says Don't get confused on who Jesus is. He is the God Son. He is in control of everything cuz God Father put it all into his hands. He is superior to the angels.

An angel is literally "a messenger" of someone, but we get the message from the Son. Father God sent his God Son (the radiance of Father God's glory --that is some beautiful imagery) to tell the message.

Come on High Schoolers, I know you have the power to blog! --Sheldog

Ish said...

Hebrews opens up in a very appropriate manner: by talking about and raising up what we thing of Jesus! Clearing the air of labeling Jesus as an angel instead of God himself is missing short of the point! Great opening by this author, whoever he or she was...