Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hebrews 11 - June 25, 2008

This has got to be one of my favorite chapters in the Word.

1 - Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Growing up, people told me to have faith, just have faith - but no one could tell me what faith was - not one person (that I remember) ever quoted Heb 11:1 to me. Now I get it - my faith is being sure of the hope I have in Christ - that He alone saves me - and being certain that even though I do not see Him, I know He is there.

Enoch - only mentioned a few of times in the Bible (Gen, Heb, Jude) - the man who walked with God. Enoch pleased God so much that God just took Enoch to be with God. What kind of a man was this?! Two questions for him - what did you do here on earth and what was it like to just be taken? Unreal!

Rahab - almost always referred to as a prostitute any time she is mentioned - yet she is commended for her faith - faith that reached far beyond where she was in her life in Jericho.

Love the ending - God had planned something better for us - that their faith and our faith would come together to make one completed whole, their lives of faith not complete apart from ours. (Msg)

Be thankful God always had a better plan for us.


1 comment:

Ish said...

Something ginormous that stood out to me in this text is the importance of faith. Faith if foundational to walking with Christ. Though it may be weak at some points, its existence is crucial. And the kicker behind all this is that as important as faith is, love is still greater than all of it! God really wanted us to understand that faith is really important. And at the end of the day, love is still greater.