Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hebrews 2 - June 12, 2008

The writer does not let up - vs 1 - look real close at the words - more careful attention - not just attention or even careful attention. Repetition - aka - this could be really important. If what angels say is binding, how much more binding are those things said by the Son?

It is a struggle in my life to "pay more careful attention" - too many distractions - a challenge I think that we all share.

I like how the Message puts vs11 - Since the One who saves and those who are saved have a common origin, Jesus doesn't hesitate to treat them as family.

The cross is always God's way of telling us that He can relate to us, that He does understand, that He gets us and who we are. Vs18 continues the thought by stating - Because he himself [Jesus] suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

I had a whole bunch of examples that seemed to fit the last verse, but none of my words were coming out right - so - you write about it or anything else that got you about chp2...


1 comment:

Ish said...

Jesus did what he did as one higher than the angels and he did it for those not angels, humans, as a human! The writer is very adamant about sharing with people his confidence in his salvation! As we proceed through this book, we will continue to see that as his goal, but what sticks out now is this: Jesus was all man for the salvation of all men. He lived like me to save me! A lot of power in those words alone...