Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Colossians Chapter 1 - September 30, 2008


1:5ff - When the gospel is truly heard and has taken root in people internally, God's people are always growing and always reaching out and always bearing fruit. That is what the truth does when it is inside of us. We cannot contain it...cannot keep it inside. May we meditate on the gospel of Jesus Christ - the good news that Paul so incredibly describes at the end of this chapter...and may we let that life-altering truth drive us to live as Christ...to be his church...to take his kingdom into the darkest corners of this world.

1:9-10 - I think these are great goals to live you life by. These are a couple of verse that throw down some great goals for any Christian to aspire towards. Be filled with God's knowledge and wisdom...that's a good thing. To walk in a manner worthy of Jesus...another good goal. To bear fruit in everything we do...again, this is good stuff. This is who I want to be - how about you?

1:15-20 - He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. 17And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. 19For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 20and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. Enough said - WOW! You ever want to introduce somebody to who Jesus is...take them to Colossians 1. Beautiful!

1:21-22 - We were at war with God. We were the rebellious dissenters who destroyed His kingdom and turned our backs on Him. And He sent Jesus (who contained the fullness of God, see v.19) to give his life for our debt. His sacrifice bridged the gap...ended the war...made it possible that we could come into the presence of God holy and blameless. Is that not incredible? Holy and blameless would be some of the last words I would use to describe myself, but that is what I am through the blood of the God/man Jesus Christ. Praise the lord!

1:24ff - Youth ministry can be brutal and disappointing...there are times when it is really hard...there are times when it is utterly heart-breaking. Can I rejoice in those sufferings for the students' sake. I must not forsake my calling...I do this not for a paycheck or because I like to feel important in the church, but so that I can present mature youth believers from our youth ministry to this world. I fight this fight so that I can send world-changing warriors of God into the front lines of the spiritual battle that is raging across this fallen world.


Anonymous said...

This is a pretty good chapter. It really is tough to do it in just one day. You could break it down over a week. One verse I would like to comment on is verse 5. The initial appeal of the gospel is the forgiveness of sins. I like how verse 5 solidifies how to grow as a christian, and that is living for the hope that is promised in John 3:16. Knowing that one day I will live in a perfect heavenly home forever with the church is sometimes the only thing that keeps me wanting to serve.

Just as I appreciate the suffering Paul went through so that I one day would know Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I appreciate Brandon suffering through the not so pretty parts of Church leadership and the insistence on his part to continue even though at times it may seem pointless. Your suffering through has moved God to encourage students to enter into the ministry as well as those students who will live their lifes as compassionate givers.

Ish said...

Brandon, I really appreciate your thoughts on sticking through the tough times. It is by fire where we learn the true worth of gold. It is where silver is refined, and through the tough times that you've been through, people have gone on to dedicate their lives to full time ministry and others are faithful, God-fearing individuals who live for him in their chosen career paths. May we all continue to strive for excellence and endurance in the great race that is sharing the gospel while through love and grace...