Monday, September 22, 2008

Luke Chapter 24 - September 22, 2008

*We will kick off Philippians tomorrow.

5: "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" This verse jumped out at me. The angels throw a little sass in the faces of these women...what are you looking for? Didn't you listen to Jesus when he said he was going to die and rise again? He isn't dead - you'll find nothing here. It seems to me that we humans have this crazy compulsion to look for life in places of death. How many times have I ignored the teaching of my master and turned to the world for fulfillment, finding only emptiness? I see generation after generation of high school students that leave behind the message of Jesus, the truth, to chase after lies. Why do we seek life among the dead?

27: Jesus explains to them how he fulfills prophecy from the is pretty amazing - over 300 prophecies fulfilled. The statistics for that happening by coincidence are basically impossible. You can check them out at Enjoy.

49: Jesus tells them to wait. Don't go off half-cocked and emotionally charged. We shouldn't go into anything huge without prayer. He tells his disciples to wait for the power to descend on them and boy does it! This segues into beginning of Acts when they are praying and waiting and the Holy Spirit descends on them. This is really good advice for us too - cover everything you do in prayer and open yourself to the guiding of the Spirit.


Stephen said...

what would be different about his image so that they would recognize him only once he broke bread?

Brand al Thor said...

maybe he only allowed them to see him after he broke bread. maybe they were so distraught and grief-stricken that it took a familiar event for them to realize who that man really was.

Ish said...

Father, thank you for conquering death! And for everything else you did before death! Continue to use me and mold me; continue to challenge me. I love you...