Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Philippians Chapter 2 - September 24, 2008

2:1 - I like how Paul starts that out, 'If there is encouragement." It's like an uber guilt trip. If you have ever been encouraged by God or received any blessing from God or been strengthened by His Spirit - GO LIVE FOR HIM! God has given us everything we have...God has given us a purpose for existence...a mission to live out...a hope for the future - maybe because of that we can come together as His people and live for Him.

2:7 - Jesus is God. When he was walking around on earth he was God, yet he still took a position of extreme humility and made himself nothing. We often do the opposite and try to make our "nothing" selves into gods.

2:12,13 - Discipleship may begin at belief, but it does not stop at belief. Belief is worked out, struggled out and fought for with fear of God's perfection in comparison to our own imperfection. Not to save ourselves - but because belief demands action and the holiness of God demands humble service.

2:17 - Drink offerings in the OT were additional offerings that were poured out on top of another offering that had already been made. Paul is saying that he is willing to sacrifice even more than he already had. He has risked much to take the Gospel to the people of Philippi and he wanted to know that if he was killed...his death would serve as an additional sacrifice that would bring join to the Philippians. Joy because they knew he was with Jesus and joy because their faith (that Paul had given much to build up) had stayed strong and continued to grow. I love that Paul looks at his life as a tool for the glory of God and not a vehicle for his own enjoyment.

2:19ff - Timothy rocks.


Stephen said...

5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
6Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped

the next line says that instead of acting like God, he became a servant.. but in doing this he shows that he is, in nature, God..really weird kind of, but not so much weird as awesome

Anonymous said...

Ever since last year really I have felt God put FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) on my heart. That it should be more than just a meeting every month or whenever we got together. But look at me now. It's almost October and I haven't done anything about it. Nothing about it has been done this year. We haven't even started it yet. Joe's not going to lead it and I don't know where to start. Last week at my Aunt's church in Dallas, the sermon was about taking risks for Gods kingdom. And now you mention how Paul took a risk for God. I should be like Paul. What's stopping me? In all these mentioning about risks for the kingdom, God's pushing me. But why wont I nudge?


Anonymous said...

Also last night I couldn't sleep just thinking about it. I wonder how angry God is with me.

Brand al Thor said...

Jaimee, you need to understand that God loves you and wants to see you truly living in life. I believe that we experience true life when we take risks for God's kingdom...when we push our faith...when we step out and do things we know we cannot do, because that is when God takes over and gives us the strength we need. God isn't angry with you...God wants you to trust Him and follow His urging and step out. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with FCA. Sometimes when we look back in life, it is not the wrong things we did that frustrate is the things we didn't do that frustrate us. God is madly in love with you - never forget that. Thank you for being so honest and real. - B

Ish said...

Father, I come before you with a grateful heart. I come before you, thankful for health, life, friends, family, my overall wellbeing. I thank you for your sacrifice. For paying the price for my sin, and I ask that you continually build me and mold me. Continue to test me and place me in situation where I have to depend on you for survival. i love you...