Thursday, September 25, 2008

Philippians Chapter 3 - September 25, 2008

3:2ff - There are those who mutilate/destroy the flesh through violence...through unhealthy obsession...through self-hatred...through cruel judgement, but in reality the flesh is meaningless. The spiritual aspect of our existence is what is important...the flesh is passing away and of little consequence. But I also believe that when you live confidently through the Spirit of God, you will have a healthier physical too...when you remove stress and live out the joy of the Lord - life is better.

3:8 - In comparison to Christ everything else is dull - a waste - a loss. Question: If our faith isn't costing us it really faith?

3:10 - I would like to hear comments on this...what is the power of the resurrection? What kind of power does the resurrection of Christ bring tot he table?

3:11 - Faith described here carries with it this idea of continually fighting and continually growing and changing that seems to fly in the face of the once saved always saved doctrine. Thoughts?

3:13 - Mature believers live not for this world, but for the world to come. Like a child always focused on the new - the future...never looking back with regret. Can I do that? Can I brush off the weight of this world and look to the world beyond?

3:19 - Think of what we allow ourselves to be controlled by! Think about it. Our bellies. Our appetites. Our loins. Our selfishness. These things are pieces of blood and flesh and ego...there has to be more to this life...there has to be. There has to be a higher calling.

3:20 - "But our citizenship is in heaven..." - is that a hard concept for you to accept? Why?

3:21 - Jesus Christ as an answer for 3:19, "there has to be more than this," offers us the power to make the body and mind ours subjects instead of our slave masters. Jesus, I want in... I want on board!


Stephen said...

-(the resurrection) i suppose it brings hope that we can follow after him..maybe
-once saved, always's like that shouldn't even exist, because it shouldn't come up.. isn't it about a state of constantly moving forward, not: I once moved forward.. but then again, if you remember from chapter 1, it says something about once God starts something good in a person, he will carry it out, so it isn't a one time thing ever.

Anonymous said...

i agree with stephen.


Ish said...

I love when Paul just goes on talking about his resume and qualifications in life. What makes him good based on this world's standards. He's an influential guy, really smart, and people listen to him. At least enough to the point that if he believes Christians should be eliminated, people think it's a good idea. Yet, he goes on to say that all this means nothing to him in comparison to Christ. Father, thank you so much for being greater than the best we can muster up. What we believe to be valuable (intellect, influence) you are greater than. Enough to cause someone who's experienced it to say that you are greater. Father, thank you. I love you...