Thursday, September 11, 2008

Luke Chapter 22 - September 11, 2008

*Because the eye of the storm is bearing down upon us...I almost didn't write this blog today. But Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist - I will attack you with the north." And that is the principle I live my life here it is...

22:3 - Remember the parable that Jesus told about cleaning out your house and not finding a strong man to guard it...the hooligans will come back with friends and take over your new clean house? Remember that? I think Judas is an example of this. He had cleaned out his house...he was walking in the way of Jesus...he was a disciple, but maybe he never really invited Jesus in. Maybe those doubts and fears and questions came back as Jesus started talking about leaving and dying, leaving Judas open to Satanic possession. We must remember that we cannot fight the evil one through our own power...we must rely on the strength of God and invite Him to clean us and dwell within us.

22:45 - As Jesus' modern day disciples, we cannot allow ourselves to "fall asleep" in this life. We cannot let our guard down...every day we are surrounded by temptation and desperation and failure and we must be ready. The disciples did not heed Jesus' warnings to pray and they scattered like dust in the wind when Jesus was arrested.

22:52 - We need to make sure we walk in places of light...make sure your life is a quest to walk into the light and not a descent into dark places that will feed our desires.

22:61 - Imagine that look. Peter looks up after he has denied his master three times and sees Jesus staring back at him. I want to live my life to stay away from that look. How many times has he looked on me in disappointment? How many time have bitterly wept in failure?


Stephen said...

"16For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God."
is this about fellowship or passover?

"44And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground."

46"Why are you sleeping?" he asked them. "Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation."
Another example of how important prayer is..why aren't you praying? You can't overcome unless you pray.

53Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on me. But this is your hour—when darkness reigns."
reading this to the storm in the background is crazy eerie(sp)

Ish said...

I think about when Jesus tells the disciples that a place will be ready for them to prepare the feast. Jesus just told them to ask for the guest room for the Lord, and they got what they needed. How many times does God in heaven make the necessary arrangements to care for us and provide what is necessary, though we think "there is no way you set that up. I've been with you the whole time. It doesn't make sense to me that you could have done something beyond my knowledge to set up what is about to be something that I need." Father, thank you so much for the many times you have gone beyond me to set up whatever it is that I've needed. I know I have freewill to do what I please, but I thank you for being greater than that. That despite of my freewill, you are able to craft it and bend it in a way that is still able to glorify your name. I love you...