Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Philippians Chapter 4 - September 30, 2008

Guess who's back? Sorry.

4:5 - Do not worry, meaning - do not show a lack of trust in God by getting all worked up over things you cannot control. Instead, turn to God, talk to God, trust in God - replace your worries over things you cannot control by trusting the God who is in control.

4:7 - How does peace guard your heart? What are your thoughts?

4:8 - The key to a mind of purity, is to stay focused on good/godly things. Full your thoughts with things that are right and true and honorable and positive, and force the bad out. This is how we start to take captive our thoughts...this is how we begin to make our minds obedient to Jesus Christ. It's not easy. It takes a concerted effort on your part day in and day out...you must fight for control of your mind, by filtering what comes in.

4:11 - A very hard lesson to learn and live by.

4:13 - One of the all-time most inappropriately used verses. I have heard this voice used to motivate someone who was about to max out on bench press! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, so I'm going to try to bench this 600lb. bar! I don't think that is the picture Paul is painting for us here. He is saying that with God we can get through anything. Maybe a better way to word the verse for us is, "I can deal with anything on this earth through Christ who strengthens me." Good or bad the secret of being content is to be God-centered. I also like that Paul talks about how he has learned how to face plenty - isn't that funny? Plenty isn't a problem is it? Look around fellow Americans...is plenty a problem. When we have too much or enough - we tend to forget about God and fell like we are doing fine on our own. So Paul learned that even when he has everything he needs and more - he can stay content through a continued focus on God. Good advice for us.


Stephen said...

6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

..i think, right now, i completely understand this..well, maybe not completely.. but i really needed to read this
i'm back

Ish said...

Father, I thank you for this text today. I thank you for the encouragement that comes with "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" Father, I ask that you help me to keep a humble mindset with this text and not a selfish one. I ask that you continually teach me something and grow me and mold me, father. I love you...